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100 minute Theatrical version $2.99 Rent / $6.99 Buy
Available Worldwide, subtitles in Spanish, French, German, Hindi & Portuguese
56 minute Broadcast version $2.49 Rent / $5.99 Buy
Available Worldwide, subtitles in Spanish
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The Mindfulness Movement is the Who, What, Why, When & How of secular, evidence-based mindfulness. Join the Movement to create a healthier, happier world by using mindfulness to:
It’s all about making more moments matter in your life!
Excerpts from the Film

“The way I define Mindfulness is paying attention to our present moment experiences with openness and curiosity and a willingness to be with what is. It's a quality of attention that we can have at any moment whether we're walking down the street or talking to a friend or eating or brushing our teeth. We can bring that quality of awareness to our experience.”
Diana Winston, Director of Education, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center

“Every time you put your mind on your breath and then it wanders, that's what the mind does, and you notice it wandered and then you bring it back, you're strengthening the neural circuitry for paying attention. This is quite a parallel with going to the gym and lifting weights. Every time you lift that weight, every repetition strengthens that muscle just a little bit more.”
Daniel Goleman, Psychologist, best-selling author of “Altered Traits,” “Emotional Intelligence” & more

“There's no moment that's not a wonderful moment for mindfulness. And it offers us degrees of freedom so that we can navigate the inevitable ups and downs of life.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn, Founder, The Center for Mindfulness, UMass Medical School

“Mindfulness isn't just to get relaxed and to be calm, it's really about cultivating wisdom so that we eradicate or alleviate suffering.”
George Mumford, mindfulness teacher & Author of “The Mindful Athlete”